1:1 support with

Private coaching

Unlock the most liberated and elevated version of you and your life with tailored support

Please book a call before enrolling to make sure we are a good fit for each other

You’ll never be asked to enroll and pay on the call

In this container my rules are:

  • No pedestaling >>> everyone is on the same level of equality

  • We SHOW THE FUCK UP >>> This space will require ALL of you, no holding back.

  • Yet, we also show up with what IS >>> very perfectly imperfect

  • No pressure, forcing, or fixing.

  • Pleasure focus >>> this space must feel good for both the coachee and coach, we value communicating our needs, wants and frustrations. Full transparency. We always find ways to make it work for the BEST.

  • Fun focus ! The coaching industry is serious enough, in this space we decide to take things lightly while pursuing very big vision.

  • LOVE is the number one value here. that’s it.


Reserve your spot

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